The flower bloomed and faded. The Sun rose and sank.”
The Spanish Gallery, the first of its kind in the UK, presents the Golden Age of Spanish art and culture. The paintings and sculptures on display, by the likes of Velázquez, Murillo, Zurbarán and El Greco are considered some of the greatest artworks in the world.
The project’s intention was not to create an art gallery in the traditional sense, but instead create a piece of experiential design that would weave these artworks together and bring forward a more captivating and compelling narrative. The approach used was perhaps closer to theatre or even opera design, but unlike a theatre or opera, where the audience is seated, we invite visitors to walk onto the stage, and meet the principal players.

What’s the story...
This is a story of Spanish art, during its golden age, illustrated with Memento Mori and dominated by themes of faith and transience.”

What the client said...
I thought that the whole experience was quite magical. The art combined with the decor created an atmosphere that merged into one to provide a very unique opportunity for visitors to question their own beliefs and values and well as to admire the wonderful exhibits.”