I have dream’d a fearful dream! What thinkest thou, will our friends prove all true?”
The Battle of Bosworth is one of the defining moments of English history. A power struggle between two Royal houses, York and Lancaster, fighting to the death for the throne of England. The King’s friends were indeed decisive in the outcome, but not in Richard’s favour.
Studio MB were commissioned to present this dramatic story in new and engaging ways. Five characters who were witnesses to the events are brought to life and accompanied the visitors as their journeys unfolds in real time, both within the heritage centre itself and along the one and half miles of battlefield trail.

What’s the story...
This is the story of blood and betrayal. The last significant battle of the Wars of the Roses, Bosworth violently ended the reign and life of one King and began the dynasty of the next.”

What the client said...
Since the opening of the new centre, I have had nothing but positive comments. My team and I are very proud of what has been achieved. All credit should go to Studio MB for the final result and for working tirelessly to make the visitor experience everything it could be. The visitor uplift has been astonishing! And to cap it all we just won the Museums + Heritage Award for Excellence beating the Churchill Cabinet War Rooms amongst others.”